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Pastoralraum am Blauen

Pastoralraum am Blauen

The Pastoralraum am Blauen is a community church in Zwingen. Their partnership enabled us to open a third location for food distribution. We thank them for sharing their space with us so we can provide food and other necessities to more people.

Pastoralraum am Blauen

© 2025 ThanksGiver Tafel Schweiz

Account Donation:

ThanksGiver Tafel Schweiz


4133 Pratteln

IBAN CH73 0900 0000 1560 5796 1


Your donations are tax deductible.

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ThanksGiver Tafel Schweiz 

Oberemattstrasse 21

4133 Pratteln

Tel: 0779793626


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